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Rm Servicing Lebanon

Rm Servicing

Rm Servicing Address

: Head Office: Furn El Cheback – Lebanese University Street, Karam Building. Ground Floor. Furn El Chebbek | Jbeil - Hbaline - Main Road, Beirut, Lebanon

Beirut, Lebanon







Rm Servicing is a high end commercial cleaning company,Founded in 2009 Most of our experiences has been gained by serving well known firms,shopping mall,fitness clubs,residential buildings,airport& municipalities,etc. We are proud of the enduring relationships we have forged with the clients we are privileged to work with. We know that our success depends on being relevant and consistent in what we do, so listening to our customers and tuning in to their changing needs has always been a priority. Each and every one of our professional cleaners is thoroughly trained, and has each successfully completed all of the necessary safety training involved. We know a seamless, no-hassle start-up is important to every customer. So at RM Servicing, we combine up-front preparation and training with strong management and direction to ensure a smooth, successful startup.

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