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Techno Plus Lebanon

Techno Plus

Techno Plus Address

: Hamra Auh Street, Beirut, Lebanon

Beirut, Lebanon







Techno plus POS is a software company offering high quality POS solutions for Restaurants and Retail business sector.

we have designed and built our solution using a creative and innovative technology to increase the productivity of our customers and save time in day-to-day works.

techno plus POS offers a wide range of solutions allows to gain competitive advantages for a decision of success.


To be the leader in providing software solutions for the hospitality and retail business industries.


Provide high quality software, support and wide range of facilities and solutions to grow customer business, increase profit, decrease cost and create value and credibility.

Our secret for big success
The secret to success in catering business is in good everyday routine. With POS techno plus your daily routine, from issuing receipts to tablet menus will surely become a beautiful story.

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