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Sharp Lemon S.a.l

Sharp Lemon S.a.l Address

: Badaro 4745, Badaro, Beirut, Lebanon, Beirut

Beirut, Lebanon







Sharp Lemon (s.a.l) is a boutique digital media agency and consultancy launched by Patrick Chemali in June 2011 and based in Beirut, Lebanon.

Through a wide array of connections, partners and business alliances Sharp Lemon can help offer you turnkey solutions and lead you to successful implementation of your digital and telecommunication projects.

We can offer you encapsulated projects including project management and quality assurance along side more classical consultancy approaches.

Though our alliance with development partners we can cater for your technical needs with proven results to match each and every budget.

Trusted by the biggest name in Lebanon and the region we have over and over managed to prove the added value that we bring to your projects

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