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Chady Salim_chady Salim

Chady Salim_chady Salim Address

: Beirut, Sodeco, Echmound Bld, Beirut, Lebanon

Beirut, Lebanon







Chady Salim's Mission
Chady Salim has added a new level of glamour to the Lebanese fashion industry with his breathtaking gowns. The designer 'du jour' for celebrity red carpet dressing and high society weddings, Chady Salim is in a league of his own...

Education of chady salim
Chady Salim is a graduate of the prestigious East Sydney Fashion Design Studio, from early on Chady Salim and his label have carried a unique trademark signature: beautifully cut hand crafted pieces with quality finishes in the most luxurious fabrics..

Be Part of the History
Launching his eponymous label in the early 1990's, Chady Salim gowns were instantly acclaimed by leading Australian magazines...

Chady Salim's Vission
Appearing first on the pages of Vogue Australia,Chady Salim wasn't long before the personality behind Chady Salim brand began to shine as brightly as his gowns and Chady Salim soon emerged as Lebanon's most well known fashion designer celebrity

Chady Salim_chady Salim Reviews

Company Activity


Chady Salim_chady Salim is active in Lebanon, specialized in:

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Chady Salim_chady Salim Activity

Company Image


Companies in Lebanon: chady salim_chady salim

Chady Salim_chady Salim Logo

Company Contacts


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Chady Salim_chady Salim Contacts

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    has many related firms in the same field.